You can search with any terms, it is typo-tolerant for titles, but not for tags and properties. By default search will show galleries matching all terms in title and/or in original title, properties, and tags.
Exact search can be done by wrapping terms in double quotes. Example (clickable): "big breasts" only matches galleries with "big breasts" in title and/or in original title, tags and properties. To require exact match, you may start term with = symbol, like that "=B-Kyuu Manga 9.1".
By default all text terms is optional to match, and at least one term must be matched, to let gallery appears in search results. To make text term mandatory, add prefix ! like that "!meat". You can combine match modifiers like that "!=B-Kyuu Manga 9.1", to make this text mandatory in title and require full title match.
You can exclude terms from you search by adding - (minus) before term. For example, -"big breasts" naruto only matches galleries with "naruto" and without "big breasts" in parodys/tags/characters/artists/group.
You can fine tune your search with tags and properties. For example, tag:anal parody:naruto -tag:"big breasts" returns galleries with tag "anal" and parody "naruto", but exclude galleries with tag "big breasts". Available properties are type, language, artist, group, character, parody.
You can fine tune using tags with a gender male or female, just add label before tag tag:"female:anal".
By default, all mentioned tags and properties are mandatory, but you may add ~ (tilda) before them, to make its optional. Request with optional properties means that all optional properties may be not presented. For example parody:~naruto parody:"~final fantasy" will return galleries where parody is "naruto" or "final fantasy", and both of them may be present or not at the same time.
You can search by number of pages in a gallery like that pages:17-39 to request galleries with minimum 17 and maximum 39 pages. The second part is optional, so you may use pages:17 to filter out galleries with less than 17 pages.
We built a powerful search engine, that may significantly improve your experience if you wisely formulate your wishes 😉.
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Found 3903